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Press release from the Annual General Meeting of Hansa Medical AB (publ) on May 7, 2008

8 May 2008, 08:00
Regulatory information
At Hansa Medical’s Annual General Meeting in Malmö, Sweden on May 7, 2008, CEO Emanuel Björne presented the highlights of the company’s development projects during the past year and its development goals for 2008. The company’s development projects are proceeding as planned and discussions have been initiated with potential partners for three of Hansa Medical’s four projects. Moreover, the following resolutions were passed at the Annual General Meeting:

The Annual Report, Auditors’ Report, consolidated financial statements and Auditors’ Report on the consolidated financial statements for the 2007 financial year were adopted. The company’s Board members and CEO were discharged from liability for the 2007 financial year. The number of Board members shall remain unchanged at three, and no deputies shall be appointed. In accordance with the motion of the Board, no dividend shall be paid for the 2007 financial year. The Board fees for the period until the next Annual General Meeting shall total SEK 180,000, of which SEK 80,000 shall be paid to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 50,000 to each of the other members. Moreover, the Board fees for the period prior to the Annual General Meeting on May 7, 2008 shall total 90,000, of which SEK 40,000 shall be paid to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 25,000 to each of the other members. Auditors’ fees shall also be paid in accordance with approved invoices. The Meeting resolved to re-elect Bo Håkansson, Per Belfrage and Stina Gestrelius to the Board of Directors and to re-elect the company’s auditor from the preceding year, Ann Theander of Grant Thornton Sweden AB. The Meeting resolved to establish an Election Committee comprising representatives of the company’s three largest shareholders. The names of the members of the Election Committee shall be announced not later than six months prior to the 2009 Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting approved the Board’s motion concerning the issue of warrants with associated rights to subscribe for new shares. According to this resolution, not more than 100,000 warrants shall be issued and exercised for a market-based premium by senior executives and other employees of Hansa Medical. Not more than 20,000 and not fewer than 5,000 options shall be allotted per person. Warrants shall be exercised during the period from May 21 to 28, 2008. An option may be exercised to subscribe for one share in Hansa Medical during the period from February 28, 2012 to May 31, 2012 at an exercise price totaling 200 percent of the average of the highest and lowest prices paid for the Hansa Medical share, listed on First North, on each trading day during the period from May 8 to 21, 2008.A market-based premium shall be paid for the options, calculated in accordance with Black & Scholes’ option value calculator. This calculation shall be performed by an independent expert. The Board’s reasons for the above motion are that Hansa Medical is currently in a development phase that will require extensive efforts on the part of the company’s senior executives and other employees and that long-term, personal shareholder commitment on the part of employees can be expected to stimulate greater interest in the company’s operations and earnings trends and to boost the level of motivation and solidarity in Hansa Medical. Once all of the options have been fully exercised, the company’s share capital will increase by a total of SEK 500,000 through the issue of not more than 100,000 shares, each with a quotient value of SEK 5.00, provided that the number of shares for which the holder of each option is entitled to subscribe is not recalculated. This means that, once the proposed options are fully exercised, the new shares will account for 2.5 percent of the outstanding shares, or 1.9 percent of the outstanding shares after full conversion of the outstanding convertibles.The Hansa Medical share has been traded on First North under the ticker symbol HMED since October 17, 2007, and the company’s certified adviser is Kaupthing Bank.For more information, please contact:Emanuel Björne, CEOMobile: +46 707 17 54 77E-mail: [email protected]