Hansa Medical invites to a Capital Markets Day in Stockholm, November the 13th 2015
The Hansa Medical management team will present the business together with the company’s medical and scientific advisors
- Professor Lars Björck, Division of Infection Medicine at Lund University
- Professor Stanley Jordan, Director, Nephrology, Director, HLA and Transplant Immunology Laboratory, Comprehensive Transplant Center Medical Director, Kidney Transplant Program, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California.
- Dr Tomas Lorant, Consultant Transplant Surgeon at Uppsala University Hospital
- Professor Robert A. Montgomery, Chief of the Division of Transplantation, Professor of Surgery, and Director at the Comprehensive Transplant Center at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Maryland.
The Capital Markets day will be held at Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien IVA,
Grev Turegatan 16 in Stockholm, Sweden, between 9:00-14:00.
To attend, kindly register at http://hansamedical.com/en/capital-markets-day/1/ no later than November 4, 2015.
A light lunch will be served. Please mention any food allergies upon registration.
More detailed information about the program will be distributed closer to the event.
Hansa Medical AB
Annika Nielsen, Executive Assistant
Mobiltelefon: +46 72 505 97 63
E-mail: annika.nielsen@hansamedical.com